Painting the light in oils and Vibrant Oils DVD



Unfortunately I no longer have the NTSC format DVDs as used in America, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and Taiwan.


I only have PAL which is the format used in the UK and most of Western Europe, China, India and Australia.


When the current stock I have has gone there won't be any replacements as APV films are no longer making the physical DVDs. They will still be available via digital streaming. Hooray! Scroll down to follow a link to Vimeo where you can purchase from APV the digital streaming versions of these two DVDs. 

Painting the light in oils DVD


In this new DVD I paint four oil paintings in Kent, one harbour scene, a subject that caught my eye at a boatyard, a barn/garden scene and one light filled interior. Approx two hours of viewing time.


Filmed and produced by APV films, renowned for their high quality productions.


If you'd like me to sign and include a postcard to a particular person (or yourself of course) please let me know their name in the notes section when placing your order.



The physical DVD is NO LONGER available in the NTSC format for the United States and Canada, please follow the link below for the digital streaming option.


This DVD can only be sent in the UK/European PAL format, while stocks last.



Watch the trailer below...

Painting DVD


  • Available
  • Delivery in 5-8 days


 Did you know you can choose to watch both DVDs via digital streaming instead of having a physical copy? No need to wait, you can watch straightaway!


If you'd prefer this option, you'll need to click here to purchase Vibrant Oils from Vimeo 

and click here to purchase Painting the light in oils from Vimeo



'Vibrant Oils' DVD

DVD Vibrant Oils


In this DVD I paint five plein air oil paintings around the beautiful Roseland peninsula in Cornwall. Approx 90 minutes long and filmed and produced by APV films, renowned for their high quality productions.


If you'd like me to include a signed postcard to a particular person (or yourself of course)  please let me know their name in the notes section when placing your order.


The physical DVD is NO LONGER available in the NTSC format for the United States and Canada, please follow the link above for the digital streaming option. 


This DVD can only be sent in the UK/European PAL format, while stocks last.




Plein air oil painting DVD


  • Available
  • Delivery in 5-8 days

Many thanks for your wonderful video and postcards!  I wanted to let you know I received them and have enjoyed watching the video.

It did indeed bring sunshine to my day.  Thanks for sharing your beautiful gift.”



“This is just to say that your video is 97 minutes of sheer delight.

I could smell the sea air and feel the sun on my back as you painted and just longed to be there, having a go.

It's truly inspirational and I know that I'll be revisiting it many times in the hope that I can absorb even a bit of your talent and enthusiasm.  Well done!”



“I am delighted with your dvd! I have been thinking of doing the odd oil, especially with all the rain putting pay to watercolour painting. But I just couldn't get motivated... you have inspired me to do something about it, so thank you Haidee”



“ Its a brilliant dvd loved every minute”



“Haidee-Jo, gave my gal Laureen your DVD for her birthday gift!

She was so excited and happy that I purchased it. I loved it too. Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful knowledge of painting. You are a gift that keeps on giving and thanks for the postcards!”



“Great review and he's absolutely right. Watching you paint Haidee-Jo , has given me some really valuable tips on loosening up and colour mixing. Thank you!”



“Absolutely stunning DVD Haidee and thank you for the kind wishes in the attached card.

What really blows me away is how you appear to place simple strokes that just work perfectly and appear to be done so simply which in fact have took years and years of perfecting.

My favourite lesson learnt from the DVD is to do something " because it's nice ".

Awesome work ;)”



“I watched the first three Boaty paintings. So stunning. I too still can't get over how few paint strokes Haidee-Jo uses to convince the viewer that they have the whole information. And I adore that long bristled brush. Fresh, loose strokes. Gorgeous. Looking forward to viewing the creation of the next paintings later today.”